"Railroad" is a 49-year-old former U.S. Navy electronics technician.  He is a management consultant for the U.S. Navy.  His hobbies include model railroading (hence the pen name "Railroad"), scale model building, and writing. 

He and his wife are the proud parents of a son (25) and a daughter (22).  They are close associates of one Leonardo d'Angelico Vespoochie (a.k.a. "Lenny"), a Jack Russell/Chihuahua mix who has adopted Railroad and his wife, while earning starring roles for himself in some of Railroad's work.

Railroad's wife is 45.  She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1997; the disease was initially the relapsing/remitting type but has deteriorated to secondary progressive.  She has lost most of her ability to move her legs and hands.  Due to his wife's condition, Railroad is currently working part-time from a home office.  He is a 3-time cancer survivor, former cardiac patient and a regular contributor to the WSA Online Forum.  We hope you enjoy his writings.