Please enjoy these member stories which appeared in our Mainstay newsletter or other publications for the first time.

*To see the following stories (preceded by an asterisk), You must be logged in as a Supporting (paid) WSA member. If you see "You don't have permission to access" -- Scroll down to the rest of the stories below.

*40 Years of Caregiving
*Acceptance - the Key to a Future
*After Caregiving
*An Inside Story - Long Term Caregiving
*Clutter Queen
*David - Death of a Caregiver
*Eureka - A Way to Fill the Vacuum Left by Her Beloved
*Former Spousal Caregivers and
*Go Gently Into That New Year
*In the Corners of My Mind
*Katrina Rescue - Part 1

*Katrina Rescue - Part 2
*New Guides for Managing Transitions in Care
*Open Letter to the Family & Friends of a C-4* Quadriplegic
*Railroad - Canine Caregiver
*Railroad - Over the River
*Railroad - The Ramp and Porch Project
*Railroad - We Are Not A Display
*Sexuality and the Well Spouse
*Shidduchim And The Former Well Spouse
*Valentine's Day - Fleeting Fluff
*Well Spouse Fitness at Home

Do you have a story you would like to share in an upcoming issue of Mainstay, in the Member Minute, or on the Website? Please email it to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., or send it to:

Mainstay c/o WSA, 63 West Main St, Suite H, Freehold, NJ 07728